
Friday, August 1, 2008


death has no seasons neither does it recognises people.... it'll jus decides on whom to take away and when regardless of their identity, if they were good or bad, health or not hardworking or lazy... neither does it know times if it's on their birthday or christmas or someone close having an assignment due... it chooses whomever and whenever it wants to....death has no smell or taste and no one can forsee it coming... and thats the nature of death, something that we must all accept. the only comfort we have is that we have Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to mourn and comfort us in these times... and that we learn to praise through all our circumstances. i guess it'll never be easy... it's never easy to let go of someone you love. and it's never easy for a friend to see a friend losing someone they love... and so i will continue to pray and be beside u through this time, crying, praying and standing strong by your side. Not because i have to but because i want to... so here's to you my friend, jus to let u know.. i'll always be here for u.

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