
Friday, February 1, 2008

A friendship that teaches

As people often say that it's quite hard to have a close friend which is the opposite sex unless there are things about that person that u don't like and vice versa.... in the past year i've made a friend... and this friendship though at times like all friendships faces problems it is still going strong. i want to tell you guys bout how much i really appreciate this friendship and how much it taught me as a person. in this past year this friendship have taught me trust. trust that a person will not harm me, turst that a person will keep his/her promises, trust that whatever that person say is true, trust in the things that they do not tell. trust in the things they do tell and trust that whenever they want to tell they will tell.. but i must admit that this trust is hard. it's hard to not doubt a person when you are so far from them, it's hard to believe in the things that they do not tell hard to not doubt their abilities to be honest with you.. but i learnt to slowly trust.. another thing this friend has taught me is understanding. to understand a persons needs that are different from yours, a persons dreams that are different, a persons pespective that is different, a person as a whole that is different... i learn to be tolerent in understanding and to not demand so much that which a person cannot fulfill... no one can be there everytime you need them.... they are not God, they are only human... and even we ourselves can never always be there for somebody coz bad things come unexpectedly and no one can truly know when they are coming in order to prepare the other person about it..... and so i learn... but these lessons are not easy and i'm still trying to learn them and to apply them fully in my life.... but i'm really truly grateful its because of this friendship that i'm learning and i thank God for this everyday... thank you friend

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